Android VS IOS is a topic that most tech enthusiast's follow. Saying of Android VS IOS both have its own pros & cons. According to Statista in 2021 Android holds the 88% users and the rest of them uses IOS. Android is an open source operating system build and maintained by Google and IOS is a closed source operating system which is build and maintained by Apple. IOS is only used in Apple I Phones and I Pads while Android OS is used by many companies like Samsung, Xiaomi, Vivo, Oppo, Realme and etc. Why Android is better than IOS is because of the Customizing capacity of Android. You can Customize Android for your needs and to make your use easy. And for developers too Android is a good choice because they can develop apps using all the components available in android and can make use of it and you can develop android apps with any OS (Linux, Windows or MacOS). But saying of IOS you can only develop IOS apps by using a Macintosh or else a Hackintosh (Which is not a legal way). While saying of Android VS IOS most the people say that IOS has the greatest security of all time and is the best but the truth is both of them have equal security. Saying IOS is secure than Android is an old phrase which has no value saying now a days. Because after the release of Android 10 it is secure than IOS because Android has all the capacity to find a threat and vulnerabilities in your phone. And if you need more security you can use Android custom ROM's like CalyxOS and more. Saying of hardware w can't compare between Android os and IOS because Android hardware's are made by a lot companies while I Phones are only made by Apple. So we can't compare Android and IOS but we can compare between phones for example like Google pixel 6 & I Phone 13 but this topic is for another blog. By concluding why I like Android over IOS is because coming to Android we have the coice to make from $100 phones to $10000 phones by different companies with different hardware's. But for I Phones they are only made by by Apple the main issue of Apple is it's cost for products and the products doesn't offer you the experience for that cost.
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