What is Panther OS

 Hi and welcome to my blog, Today we are gonna discuss about panther operating system which is developed by me. Panther operating system is a Linux distribution which lie under Debian 11. The main feature of panther operating system is its security and customization power. This is an open source project I've been working on. Currently it is on its final stage of development. It is an OS which you can only run through a VM or virtual machine. Because we it is more secure. The OS comes with nice UX/UI so you will need

    system requirements :

     Ram : 4GB

    VRAM : 128MB

    HDD : 1GB

    VM software : VMware / Virtual box up to your choice 

Why you should use Panther OS :

    Its because if you are considering your privacy, Your security or the customization power to achieve your needs you need to use this OS.  Now if you are a student you can just remember how Linux was good for your studies like that you can use this. And you have the power to use its complete edges. Now if you are a developer you can ask the source file to start a project by your own.