The Xiaomi 11i Hypercharge has been launched as India’s fastest charging phone with support for up to 120W charging. It is a rebranded Redmi Note 11 Pro+ that launched in China last year. The phone starts at Rs 26,999 for the 6GB RAM and 128GB storage variant. However, the 8GB RAM and 128GB storage model of Xiaomi 11i Hypercharge comes in at Rs 28,999, which is quite close to that of the Vivo V23 5G priced at Rs 29,990 for the same configuration. With that in mind, we decided to compare the two phones to find out which is a better device on paper.
The Xiaomi 11i Hypercharge and Vivo V23 are equipped with the Dimesity 920 chipset. Both these devices have AMOLED displays, but one on the Xiaomi has a higher refresh at 120Hz. In addition, the Xiaomi 11i Hypercharge
gets a 108-megapixel primary camera, whereas the Vivo V23 sports a 64-megapixel primary camera. Moreover, they are 5G compatible.